Super Administrators (or Global Administrators when microsites are enabled) are able to share templates with other administrators, both within your site and externally. This is a great way to share best practices with your peers.
- Go to the Admin tab.
- Click the Configure Platform button from the menu on the right.
- The Sitewide Templates section at the bottom of the page contains all templates created by all users on your site.
- Click the Share button next to the template you want to share.
- A pop-up will appear where you will be able to enter the email address of the administrator you want to share the template with. The recipient will receive an email notification about the shared template.
- The shared template will now appear in the recipient's list of competition templates.
- To create an opportunity using the template, click Create and then select the template.
- Admins can see a list of all templates shared with them by clicking the Manage tab and looking for the Shared Templates section in the lower right corner of the page.
Creating from a Shared Template
1. Go to Create.
2. Under Template Type, select Shared Templates.
3. Under Template, select the specific template.
Managing Templates Shared with You
- From the Manage tab, view shared templates on the right hand side.
- You will rarely need to look at the template from this view.
- To create using a template, always go to the Create tab first.

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