If you have never logged into InfoReady before look in your inbox for an email like the one shown here:

Sample email inbox, with the subject line: "Your new InfoReady Review account" highlighted by a red outlined box.

Open the email and click the Set Password button. 

Sample email with text: "Hello. An account in InfoReady Review service has been created for you. Click the Set Password link below to set your password and start using InfoReady Review." Below that text is a grey button with text "Set Password" on it.

Note:  If you see a Log In button instead of the Set Password button, click it and log in using the blue button at the site with the credentials you use for other sites at your institution (i.e., Single Sign-On or SSO). You will NOT need to set a separate password to log in to the site if you are an internal user at the institution.

Enter a password you'll remember, confirm it, and click Set Password.

If your email does not appear on this screen, that is okay. You should not try to enter it. 

After clicking the "Set Password" button from the email, a set password dialog box appears. The email address is listed in the first field. The next two fields ask the user to input the new password and confirm the password by re-entering. "Set Password" button is highlighted in red outlined box.

You should be redirected to the InfoReady site. If you are not redirected to the site:

  • Navigate to it from another browser tab if you know the address of the site, OR 
  • Contact InfoReady Support by submitting a ticket.

A green confirmation appears: "You will be redirected to the application in a few seconds."