If reference letterse are collected on the application form (Requirements page), administrators can view statuses 3 different ways:
1.Data Grid - Donut Chart (Summary)
On the All tab, the donut chart on the right side shows high-level data:
2. Data Grid - Columns Dropdown (Detailed)
For a more detailed view, use the Columns dropdown to add the applicable reference letter data:
Once the reference letter columns are added to the grid, administrators can see the status of individual letters (Ref Letter 1, Ref Letter 2, etc.), as well as a summary of all letters ("Ref Letters"):
- Not Requested - No letter writer email address entered (not entered yet, or not entered for an optional letter)
- Request Not Sent - Email address of letter writer has been entered on a draft application, but the request has not been sent yet
- Request Sent - Request has been sent but letter has not yet been submitted
- Submitted - Letter has been submitted
3. Download a Report
The submission status of reference letters can be found in an Excel report exported from the Data Grid (Application & Applicant Details - All Fields):
Open the Excel file and view the Reference Letter Writers column for names/email addresses of letter writers and the letter submission status:
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