If reference letterse are collected on the application form (Requirements page), administrators can view statuses 3 different ways:

1.Data Grid - Donut Chart (Summary)

On the All tab, the donut chart on the right side shows high-level data:Admin view of reference letter status donut chart

2. Data Grid - Columns Dropdown (Detailed)

For a more detailed view, use the Columns dropdown to add the applicable reference letter data:

Administrator view of columns dropdown, with Ref Letter checkboxes outlined in red

Once the reference letter columns are added to the grid, administrators can see the status of individual letters (Ref Letter 1, Ref Letter 2, etc.), as well as a summary of all letters ("Ref Letters"):

  • Not Requested - No letter writer email address entered (not entered yet, or not entered for an optional letter)
  • Request Not Sent - Email address of letter writer has been entered on a draft application, but the request has not been sent yet
  • Request Sent - Request has been sent but letter has not yet been submitted
  • Submitted - Letter has been submitted

Admin view of reference letter columns in Data Grid

3. Download a Report

The submission status of reference letters can be found in an Excel report exported from the Data Grid (Application & Applicant Details - All Fields):

Modal with list of reports. Box checked next to "Application & Applicant Details - All Fields"

Open the Excel file and view the Reference Letter Writers column for names/email addresses of letter writers and the letter submission status:

Example Excel file with Reference Letter Writers column outlined in red.

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