The default setting is to not include reviews in either Award or Reject decision emails. You have to deliberately choose to include review content(s) by checking the box in the pop up before sending the notification.
You can customize the text in the body of the Award and Reject emails ahead of time in the Notifications > Customize Email Notifications section.
Then, at the time of awarding or rejecting, check the box as shown in the screenshots below to include the reviews in your communication to applicants.
- If awarding or rejecting an individual application, you can edit the content of reviews as needed (to include only ratings or only comments, for example).
- If awarding or rejecting in batch, you will not be able to edit individual comments.
- Reviewer identities will always remain anonymous (listed only as Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2, etc.).
Batch Award Email
Batch Reject Email
Individual Award Email
Individual Reject Email
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