Technically, once a reviewer has submitted their review, the system does not allow an admin to return that review for edits. Normally, if a reviewer realizes that they made an error or want to make changes, they will contact the admin, who can edit the review by proxy.
However, there is a solution that you can use if you absolutely need to have the reviewer make the edits on their own. It has some limitations, so be sure to read this entire article before you decide to try it:
- Download the Raw Review Data report and/or copy and paste the existing review information into a Word document in order to ensure that none of the original information will be lost.
- Delete the review assignment.
- Re-assign it to the same reviewer.
- The reviewer will get another review request right away if it is a first-step review.
- Regardless of which step the review is for, the reviewer will now see the assignment in their Reviews tab.
- They can click on the assignment, and they should see all of the original information, including any rating(s) they selected.
- They can make changes and re-submit the review.
Important: We can't guarantee that no information will ever be lost during this process. That's why it is important to copy and paste the original information into a document first. Comments to the Administrator, in particular, could be lost during the delete and re-assign process.
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