Administrators can delete review assignments by batch from the Data Grid instead of individually through each application. On the Review tab, each review assignment is listed in a single row.

1. Select the checkboxes of the rows with reviewer name(s) or email address(es) that should have the review assignment(s) deleted.

2. From the Batch Actions menu...

3. Choose Delete Review Assignments

Administrator view of the Delete Review Assignments batch action.

- Drag the Reviewer column to the far left to make selecting the boxes easier. 
- Search, sort, or filter the column before selecting. 

The pop-up menu will prompt Administrators to select the:

    4. Routing Steps and

    5. Review Status(es) for which they would like to remove the selected reviewers. 

6. An on-screen message will inform how many review assignments will be deleted.

7. Click the Yes, Continue button to delete the assignments.

Delete Review Assignments modal. Yes, Continue button outlined in red.


  • Reviewers will not receive any notification from the system if their reviews are deleted.
  • If the reviewer views their submitted reviews in their Reviews tab, the reviews will no longer show.
  • This feature is not available for Department Driven Routing Steps.

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