If you have access to the Form Designer Template, we recommend exploring that template first, as it offers simimlar functionality but also includes additional features and a more updated user interface.

Multitrack opportunities have all the components of a standard set up, with the added functionality of being able to send applications down a certain "track", based on an initial gating question. 

Note: Multitrack templates are currently a part of our Gold and Platinum licenses. To discuss upgrading your current license, contact support@inforeadycorp.com or your account manager.

Below are the basic steps to create a multitrack opportunity, with links to more detailed articles on each component.

1. Select Multitrack Template from the Create tab.

2. Configure the Details page - Select how you would like to create tracks:

3. Configure Tracks - Based on selection above.

4. Use the Status Table to navigate among tracks.

5. When all pieces are configured, you can Finalize the opportunity.

6. As applications are submitted, use the Data Grid to manage applications by track.

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