Remember that the notifications the primary administrator and any co-administrators receive are selected on the Notifications page.

Note: The letters next to each check box correspond with the email template names listed in the bottom image.

Administrator view of Notifications page. Check boxes for each email notification that administrators can select.

In that same section under Customize Email Notifications, you can customize the language ahead of time for emails administrators receive.

You can return to this section at any time during the opportunity to modify the email templates

For a full list of email templates, see this article: Notification Emails List.

A. Application Received from Applicant - Sent when an application is submitted

B. Review Submitted - Sent when any review is submitted for any application (e.g., 10 applications submitted, each with 3 reviewers = 30 total emails)

C. Reviews Complete for Routing Step - Sent when all reviews for a specific routing step are completed, per application

D. Progress Report Submitted - Sent automatically when a progress report is submitted by an Awardee

Administrator view of Admin notifications. Red circles with white numbers correspond to descriptions above.

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