If you want to force send the Digest to all reviewers in the opportunity, click the Send Review Digest Email Now link above the Data Grid:

Send Review Digest Email Now link

If you need to force send the Review Requests Digest Email to a specific group of reviewers, follow these steps:

  • From the Data Grid, click the Review tab.
  • Check the boxes next to the rows with reviewer names who should receive the Digest.

Administrator view of Review tab of data grid.

- Drag the Reviewer Name column to the far left to make selecting the boxes easier. 
- Search, sort, or filter the column before selecting. 
- Even if you select a reviewer's name multiple times, they will only receive the Digest once.

  • In the Batch Actions dropdown, select Send Review Digest Email.
  • A modal will display the number of messages that were sent.

Administrator view of sending digest email in batches.  

- By default, the Digest will send Monday and Thursday mornings for assignments made within the last 14 days.
- The next scheduled Digest date is displayed above the Data Grid.

If you want to force send the Digest to all reviewers in the opportunity, click the "Send Review Digest Email Now" link.

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