If you need to add administrator-only note(s) and/or file(s) to more than one application at a time, follow the steps below.
- First, from the Data Grid, select the relevant applications.
- From the Batch Actions dropdown, select Add a Note.
1. Use the box to type any relevant information.
2. Upload one or more attachments, if needed.
3. Select if you'd like the note to be visible only to yourself, or to other co-administrators.
- Note: Super or Global admins will have access to the note regardless. This setting only applies to the visibility of other co-administrators who are not Super or Global admins on the specific opportunity.
4. Click Add Note.
The note(s) and/or file(s) will be added immediately. To view them, click the title of an individual application, and then the Notes button on the right side.
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