At some point in time, whether you are brand new to InfoReady or a seasoned administrator that serves as the main point of contact for others, you will likely have a question about using InfoReady. A key part to your success and positive experience is how quickly you can find answers and access helpful resources, which might be a InfoReady team member or a how-to article or even other admins. 

Now for a rundown on how we can help:

  • For technical issues and quick functionality questions, it’s usually best to visit the support portal (more details below) or submit support tickets by clicking the Help link from the upper right corner of your InfoReady site. Hours are M-F 8:30am - 7:30pm ET.
  • Contact your account manager for questions about your account, to discuss use cases, further training options, data management, scheduling demos for other units on campus with InfoReady interest, and anything else of that nature. 

  • The support portal contains user guides, FAQs, how-to videos, webinar archives, and user forums. It can be accessed by hovering over Help on your InfoReady site and clicking the Administrator link (applicants and reviewers have access to their own help sections as well).

  • If you’re a newer admin, then we suggest the Getting Started section.

  • Register for the InfoReady listserv to connect with other admins, share best practices, and even ask them to share templates with you. 

  • All new admins get signed up for the monthly newsletter. If you don’t currently receive it, then let us know and we’ll add you. 

  • OurIT Resources page has all the relevant documents when your IT team needs more information about InfoReady security, data privacy, or accessibility. 

  • We publish monthly Blog Posts and Case Studies to share tips and best practices to help you get the most out of your instance of InfoReady. 

  • We offer a variety of free webinars to clients, ranging from training webinars to Peer Spotlight webinars where administrators at other institutions discuss how they are using the platform: 

  • If you discover that you need more specialized training and assistance, then we also offer the option to purchase consulting hours to help you optimize your process or schedule additional training. Contact your account manager if you are interested.

As you can see, InfoReady provides administrators with many resources to help them get the most out of using the platform successfully.

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.