- Single response between pair of choices
- Default is toggle but will switch to radio buttons if choices combined are greater than ~90 characters.
Default Admin View
Settings Panel Sections
A. Field reference - Unique identifier in the InfoReady database that does not show to applicants or reviewers.
B. Field label - Question label
C. Instructions (optional) - Any additional notes to help applicants answer the question
D. Required - Make the question required or optional (same as clicking asterisk * on main question screen).
E. "True" label - Choice shown on the right of toggle (typically "positive" in some way).
F. "False" label - Choice shown on left of toggle (typically "negative" in some way)
G Hide from reviewers (optional) - Check to hide the question and applicants' responses from reviewers.
H. Hide from applicants (optional) - Check to hide the question from applicants.
Note: For the "True" and "False" labels, whatever text is entered will be associated with each back end label. For example, if you type "No" under the "True" label, this may cause confusion later when looking at the Data Grid and Reports.
- Choose when the question is shown and/or required.
- Full instructions here: Adding Conditional Logic
I. Show on page - Choose which page of the form the question shows (Can also drag and drop from main screen).
J. Display field on a new line - Uncheck to show the question directly to the right of the previous one.
K. Field label location - Choose if and where the label should show.
L. Instructions location - Choose either under the field or under the field label
Example Customized Applicant View
- From the Preview tab, here is how the question built above would look to applicants.
- Click directly in the label or instructions fields to edit that text.
- Switch back to the Designer tab to make any edits to logic or layout.
For comparison, check out these other question types: - Multiple Choice - Checkboxes - Dropdown
Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.