The Institution User Report is a way for primary administrators (usually Super or Global administrators) to gain visibility into administrators' activity:

  • within their tenant (i.e., site) or
  • across multiple InfoReady tenants (if applicable and managed under the same InfoReady license)

The report contains detailed information about site activity, including the number of opportunities administrators manage, last login date, and associated microsite (if applicable). A sample report is attached at the bottom of this article.

- To request access to be able to download the Institution User Report, contact your Account Manager or submit a support ticket. 
- If you try to run the report and get an error message, it may be because you do not have permission to view the report.

Once you have access to download the report, it can be downloaded as needed directly from the platform:

1. Go to the Admin tab.

2. Click the Manage Users button.

3. Click the Institution User Report button.

Administrator view of Admin tab > Manage Users section

In the modal that appears, click Send.

Confirmation modal to send user report

Depending on the size of the report, it may take a few minutes to reach your inbox. It will be sent to the email address associated with your InfoReady account. The report will have several columns, most of which are easy to discern (e.g., Last Login, Microsite, Role, etc.). Two that may require additional details are:

  • # Competitions - This is the number of competitions the administrator is the owner of. It does not include competitions the administrator is a co-admin on.
  • Active Competitions - Number of competitions launched where the internal submission deadline hasn't occurred yet

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.