Creating the Routing Step

  • The Return for Revisions is its own separate step within your routing workflow.
  • Administrators can place this step at whatever point(s) where applications may need to be returned back to applicants for edits.

1. Routing Step Name: Give the step a name that will help you remember it is areturn for revisions step.

2. Step Order: This will automatically be filled in based on where the step was created in your workflow, but you can change it to re-order, as long as reviews haven't already been assigned.

3. Step Type: Select Return for Revisions (Beta)

Admin view of selecting Return for Revisions step

4. Default Reviewer

  • If there is one user that will have the power to return any application assigned to this step, you can put in their email address in this field. (e.g., an administrator or director). 
  • You can also check the Automatically assign reviews box to make the process quicker if all applications will be assigned to the return step.
  • If you will give a different user the power to return each application assigned to this step, leave it blank. (e.g., advisor or mentor that is specific to the applicant).

5. Deadine for Revisions

  • Enter a date and time applications should be returned for revisions for this step.
  • If a reviewer assigned to this step does not request revisions, the deadline will not display to the reviewer or applicant.
  • If a reviewer assigned to this step requests revisions, the reviewer will see this as the deadline for applicants to resubmit. 
  • By default, this is deadline for all applications. Check the box below the deadline to allow the reviewer to edit at at the time of review.

6. Reviewer Instructions

  • Default instructions written by InfoReady will display in the box that explain how the step will work.
  • Add of modify as needed to clarify for your specific reviewer(s).

7. Step Options

  • A - Show any hidden fields to the reviewer just for the return for revisions step.
  • B - Allow the reviewer assigned to the step to see other applications. (Learn more).
  • C - Allow reviewers in later steps to see the review feedback from the return step.
  • D - Notify reviewer when applicant submits revisions. (This message has its own corresponding email template.)
  • E - Automatically return application to applicants if not reviewed by the deadline. (Learn more).
  • F - Allow reviewers to include file attachments when returning applications for revisions. (Learn more).

Admin view of default reviewers field and reviewer instructions

Customizing Notifications (Email Templates)

There are two email templates related to this routing step, which can be edited ahead of time in the Customize Email Notications section. 

  • Application Resubmitted - This is an optional email that administrators can choose to activate in the set up (see 7D above). If used, it notifies the reviewer assigned to the return step that the applicant has re-submitted and provides a link to see the revised application.
  • Application Returned for Revisions - This is the message the reviewer assigned to the return step sends to the applicant. During the review process, they can (and should!) add to it to explain exactly what changes should be made. Learn more here.

Administrator view of email templates related to the return for revisions process

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.