Customize the Co-Applicant label and fields to gather more information on these individuals.
Notes: - The screen shots below show the feature in the legacy Funding Template. For more info on this feature within the Form Designer template, see: Form Designer Template: Co-Applicants - This feature is only for administrative purposes. It does NOT give co-applicants access to the application within InfoReady. - Co-applicants will not receive any notifications automatically. If the primary applicant wants them to be notified, they should add their email address(es) in the Add Other Email Addresses section at the bottom of the application. - If reviewers are not allowed to see the identity of an applicant (selected below each Routing Step by the administrator), the entire co-applicant section will be hidden from reviewers. (In comparison, only first name, last name, and email address will be hidden from the primary applicant).
Here's how to use this feature:
1. Select Yes below "Do you want to allow co-applicants?"
2. Enter the maximum number of co-applicants.
3. Edit the co-applicant label (if desired).
4. Select which co-applicant fields to include, and whether they are required or optional. Edit the label of each (if desired).
- The Prefix field is a hardcoded multiple choice list with 5 options: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr.
- The Email field will require an email address.
5. Add additional instructions for applicants to clarify what individuals should be listed in this section.
Here's how the feature will look to an applicant:
The applicant will click the Add button to show the fields.
Then the form will expand to show the available fields:
Once the maximum number of co-applicants is reached, the Add button will changed to Limit Reached and become inactive.
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