You probably already know you can assign co-administrators to an opportunity in order to have more than one administrator collaborate on it. But what do you do if you need to change the owner (the admin who
created the opportunity)?
The InfoReady Support Team can process these changes during normal business hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30am-7:30pm ET:
Submit a support ticket with the following information:
- A link to the opportunity (or opportunities)
- If all opportunities owned by a certain administrator need to be transferred to one administrator, we don't need a link to each.
- Name and email address of the current owner.
- Name and email address of the new owner.
- If ownership transfer will be divided among multiple administrators, instead of one, list opportunities (with links) along with the corresponding new owner's name and email beside each one.
- The date you'd like to have the changes take place (if not immediately).
We will let you know when the change has been completed, usually within one business day.
Please Note: Although InfoReady Support changes the owner in the system, we do not remove any mention of the previous owner that may be listed in the description, notifications, routing steps, etc. The new owner should review any opportunities recently transferred to them to edit any contact information listed that is no longer applicable.
Also, removing co-administrators listed in an open opportunity can be accomplished by the opportunity owner. InfoReady Support does not generally update co-admins as part of the ownership transfer process.
Note: By default, email notifications from the system come from the owner. This can be adjusted by a Super (or Global if microsites are enabled) Administrator from the Admin tab > Configure Platform section.
Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.