When you convert an LOI to a regular opportunity, you have three choices on the Finalize page of what to do with the draft opportunity of the second phase:

1. You can launch the opportunity right away (after filling in a new Internal Submission Deadline). 

2. You can save it as a draft (to edit later).

3. You can set a launch date for it.

When you set up the notifications during the conversion process, there is a note on the screen that says they won't be sent until the conversion is finalized. This actually means: 

  • Rejected applicants (those not advancing) will be notified immediately after finalizing the conversion (while the converted version is still in draft state).
  • No notifications are sent to advancing applicants when you save as a draft.
  • Advancing applicants will be notified when you set a launch date or launch the converted opportunity
  • The administrator (and any others they choose to copy) will receive the Summary email from the Finalize Conversion step immediately after finalizing the conversion (while the converted version is still in draft state).

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