There are many places to put instructions throughout the Requirements page (application form). Where and how to add instructions depens on the base InfoReady template you use.

Form Designer Template

Funding Template

Question Fields

Be as clear as possible in the requirement labels and in the Notes to Applicant.

  • You can enter up to 300 characters in the requirement label.
  • There is no character limit for the Notes to Applicant, but you must add them after creating the question in order to be able to enter more than 45 characters.
  • The Notes to Applicant will appear when the applicant clicks into the field to begin filling it out: Applicant view of "Notes to Applicant." A "Notes From The Administrator" tooltip contains several hundred words of lorem ipsum text.

Note: For text boxes, the notes to applicant appear directly above the text box.

Supporting Documents (File Uploads)

For each file upload, give specific instructions for things like length, format, and naming convention.

Administrator view of supporting documents section with sample instructions

Other Instructions Boxes

If you activate additional components in your Requirements configuration like applicant-driven routing steps, reference letters, or keywords (when applicable), make sure to fill out the Additional Instructions for Applicants box to guide them through each step:

Additional Instructions for Applicants box. No text entered, but all CK Editor options show (bold, italic, bullets, color changes, etc.)

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