The information below shows how to extract default InfoReady reports, which include all competition data each time. If you prefer to download only specific information, you can search, sort, and/or filter the Data Grid as needed and then select Download Grid. Learn more.
From the Manage view of the opportunity, scroll down to the Data Grid. Click the Download Reports link on any tab of the grid to bring up the menu of reports.
Select one or more checkboxes from the list of reports and then click Download Selected Reports.
Any reports selected will be downloaded in the same spreadsheet.
- There are 2 reports related to applications and applicants:
- Application & Applicant Details - Default Fields:
- Tab 1 (Application & Applicant Details): application title, applicant name, status, date last updated, and routing step summary.
- Tab 2 (Reviewer Details): application title, applicant name, co-applicants (if applicable), app status, routing step name, routing step number, routing step type, reviewer name, review responses (all fields)
- Tabs 3+: Progress Report information (if applicable)
- Application & Applicant Details - All Fields: Lists everything from the Default Fields report, but also includes applicant and proposal details (any custom fields added)
- Application & Applicant Details - Default Fields:
- There are 5 reports related to reviewer feedback:
- Raw Review Data: Detailed view of all submitted reviews per routing step. *Note: this report type is not available for Approve/Do Not Approve routing step types.
- Total Application Scores by Reviewer: Lists applications in rows and reviewers in columns. The report will provide reviewer scores per application, application totals and averages, and even standard deviation. *Note: this is only available for routing steps using Comments and Ratings.
- Rankings by Score: Sorts applications from highest total score to lowest total score. *Note: this is only available for routing steps using Comments and Ratings.
- Applications by Reviewer: Groups feedback by reviewer and includes routing step number, routing step name, review assigned date, review due date, and review status.
- Reviewer Completion Counts: Summarizes review status and number of reviews assigned, complete, and incomplete by reviewer.
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