InfoReady has two opportunity-level reports that provide information about reviewers. The reports make it easier for administrators to manage reviewers and their progress.

To download the reports, click the Download Reports link from any tab of the Data Grid:

Administrator view of data grid with Download Reports link outlined in red

Select the appropriate report(s):

  • Applications by Reviewer
  • Reviewer Completion Counts

Click the Download Selected Reports button.

Reports modal

Applications by Reviewer - This report displays each reviewer, all applications to which that reviewer has been assigned, and the status of the review of each application. 

Example Excel report for Applications by Reviewer.

Reviewer Completion Counts - For each reviewer, this report shows how many reviews have been assigned to the reviewer, how many they have completed, and how many are incomplete. 

Example report of Reviewer Completion Counts.

Please let us know if you have suggestions for additional reporting options at

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