Accessing the Registration and Login Page
- Click Log In in upper right-hand corner of the site.
- Find an opportunity on the homepage and click the Apply button (most common for applicants).
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Users at your institution will be able to log in with their institutional credentials to access the site via Single Sign-On (SSO.) They will not need to register for or confirm accounts.
Note: InfoReady can adjust most language on the login page. Submit a support ticket if you need to make any revisions.
New Administrators should be added by a Super or Global Administrator in the Manage Users section of the Admin tab.
Reviewers are added to the system automatically when they are assigned their first review.
- If a reviewer is at your institution, they will receive an account creation email directing them to log in via SSO.
- If it is an external reviewer, they will receive an account creation email instructing them to confirm their account and create a password.
Applicants are added to the system automatically when they click Apply for the first time to an opportunity. This will automatically redirect the user to the login page, where they can register or log in:
- Internal applicants should click on blue button: Login for {institution name} Users to sign in with their institutional credentials.
- External applicants will need to click Register. They will input their name and email address and click Create Account. Then they must confirm their account via an email notification sent to that email address. They will use this email address and the password they set to access the site.
Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.