If you transition from not having microsites to adding microsites, there are some important things to re-organize within your site. Once InfoReady confirms your microsites are created, use the checklist below to update the system:
Re-Assign Current Administrators
- Review this chart of Administrator roles and permissions when microsites are enabled.
- You will need at least one Global Admin. This can be either a current Super Admin (or Administrator) or a completely new Administrator.
- Other Super Admins and all regular Admins need be assigned to a microsite.
- Edit current Admin profiles by filling in the Microsite Organizer field on their user profiles.
Associate Opportunities with Correct Microsite
- Global Admin(s) should edit the Details page of each opportunity to select the correct Organizer (i.e. microsite) for each.
- Only opportunities that have not been archived can be edited by you. For re-classifying archived opportunities, contact support@inforeadycorp.com.
Adjust Homepage of Each Microsite
- Super Admin(s) for the specific microsite (or any Global Admin) should edit the homepage for the microsite from the Admin tab (see screen shots below).
- The content on the microsite homepage can be tailored for the specific audience that will be visiting the microsite.
- Note: Header and footer content (including logos) will remain the same as your current site, are static across all microsites, and cannot be configured by microsite.
Super Admin view:
Global Admin view:
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