Use the Status Table to navigate through the steps of creating a multitrack opportunity. The table is expanded by default, but you can click the down arrow to collapse it.

Status Table Labels

1. You are here - Marks the current page you are viewing

2. Not Started - Still needs to be viewed and configured

3. Configured - All required components of the step are complete. 

Note: 'Configured' does not mean the step is finalized based on internal specifications. For example, a Requirements step could be configured, but an administrator may still need to add questions to the application form.

Administrator view of Configuration Status table. 1. You are here link with pencil icon in black. 2. Not Started text in brown

3. Configured text with check mark in green.

Track Configuration Modals

Approach track configuration in one of two ways:

  • Horizontally across each row of the table (i.e., Track 1, then Track 2, etc.)
  • Vertically down each column of the table (i.e., All Requirement, then all Routing Steps, etc.)

Modals in between each step will allow you to use previously configured options or create new:

Add Requirements for Next Track pop up modal. Text: You can use an existing track configuration to begin configuring the requirements for Track 2: 3-5 years or create new ones. Select a configuration option below and click continue. Radio button options: Track 1: 0-2 years or Create new. Cancel and Continue buttons appear below.

After the first two tracks are configured, use either track to configure the third, or create entirely new options:

Same pop-up modal as previous, except 3 radio button options: Track 1: 0-2 years, Track 2: 3-5 years, Create new

Fully Configured Status Table

The status table will appear with green check marks and "Configured" when all pages are set up for each track. To review or edit a section, simply click on the table cell corresponding to that section.

Status table with all sections labeled "Configured" in green

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