The Applicant Acknowledgment section on the application form (Requirements page) and Reviewer Acknowledgment section in the review form (Routing Steps) can serve a variety of purposes:

  • Final application or review form check
  • Policies and procedures
  • Communicating next steps
  • Conflict of interest

Here are some applicant acknowledgment examples:

  • By clicking "Acknowledge" the applicant confirms that they have read and agree to the conditions and stipulations detailed in the solicitation. The applicant further confirms they have attached all necessary forms and understands if moving forward to the full application there will be more information needed for submission.
  • I certify that I have completed this application to the best of my knowledge. By checking the box, I am confirming that I have no conflicts of interest with this opportunity.
  • By submitting this application, I am agreeing to have my proposal materials shared with administrators and the review committee. If selected as an awardee, I agree to join the pool of reviewers during the next application cycle.

Here are some reviewer acknowledgment examples:

  • By checking the box, I acknowledge that I have no conflicts of interest with the applicant or proposal. 
  • I certify that I have completed this review by the deadline and that I am a subject matter expert on the proposal material.
  • By submitting this review, I agree to have my ratings and/or comments shared with the applicant during the award process.

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