If an administrator needs to change a progress report deadline, they will need to edit in in the individual application view. Go to Manage > Enhanced Application Grid > title of the application.
1. Click the Progress Report(s) button on the right.
2. Expand the relevant progress report by clicking the > or its title.
3. Click Edit Deadline or the pencil icon.
4. Choose if you want to send an email notification to the Awardee. The default is Yes. Select No to not send a notification.
5. Edit the deadline (day and/or time).
6. If needed, edit the subject and/or body of the email message, and then click Update & Send. The email will be sent immediately to the Awardee.
A message onscreen will confirm that the deadline was changed and the notification was sent (if applicable).
- Any previously scheduled reminders that have not been sent will have the deadline updated. However, you should still review the email message content to make sure it is accurate.
- The new deadline will only affect the individual awarded application, not any other awarded applications. If a deadline needs to be changed for another application, go to that application and repeat the steps.
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