The Reference Letters feature allows administrators to collect letters that automatically become a part of the application packet. These letters can be visible or hidden from applicants. The instructions below show how to set up each piece of this section.

Configure Reference Letters toward the bottom of the Requirements page. 

1. Choose if letters are Optional or Required.

  • The example below shows required letters.

2. Based on your selection from step 1, indicate the number of letters.

3. Select if applicants will be allowed to view submitted reference letters. The default selection is No.

4. Fill in a reference letter deadline or check the Use Internal Submission Deadline box.

  • We recommend giving letter writers some additional time beyond the application due date (i.e., Internal Submission Deadline). 
  • This gives letter writers time for applications submitted close to the due date.

Administrator view of reference letters section.

5. Additional Instructions for Applicants

  • This information will show on the application form to applicants.
  • Customize the default language as needed to clarify who should write letters, how those letters will be used, etc.

6. Email and instructions for Reference Letter Writers

  • This text will be sent in an email to each identified letter writer.
  • The {Applicant name} field will display the applicant's name for the specific submission.
  • Each email will also have a "Start Letter" button with a unique link to a letter upload page (not shown).
  • Customize the default language as needed to give letter writers instructions, such as letter length, content, etc.

Administrator configuration area for reference letter messages

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