When a file upload option is added to an opportunity, administrators can specify file extensions. This functionality limits applicants to being shown only files of those type from their computer when uploading. It reduces the risk of an unaccepted file type being uploaded.
Note: This feature does NOT restrict a file upload of a different type from being uploaded. Applicants could navigate to or drag and drop a file with a different extension into the file upload field. However, this is less likely since they are only shown files of the specified extension(s).
Administrator View - Requirements Page
1. On the desired file upload, click Settings.
2. In the General section, add to the instructions box to give overall instructions and any specific naming conventions.
3. In the field, list any desired file extensions, separated by commas. A period (.) must proceed each file type.
While any file type can technically be uploaded the most common include:
- Word: .doc, .docx
- Excel: .xls, .xlsx
- PDF: .pdf
- Images: .jpeg, .png
- PowerPoint: .ppt, .pptx
4. Scroll up and click the arrow (shown below), or click onto the main part of form (i.e., middle of page) to collapse the configuration panel.
Applicant View
- When applicants reach the question on the form, they should read instructions and then click Choose file.
- The applicant's files will open and be filtered to show only the specified extension(s).
- Depending on web browser and the file folder last viewed, the screen may look slightly different.
- The applicant can then select a file and click Open or simply double click the file to attach it to their application and be returned to the form.
- The uploaded file name will display in the middle of the screen.
- Before submitting, applicants can:
- A - Replace the file
- B - Remove the file
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