Including instructions at the page, section, and/or question level is one of the best ways to ensure complete, correct submissions and minimize questions during the process. 

Page Level

In the form-level Settings, make sure the "Show page titles" box is checked.

Admin view of page titles box

Then back in the Designer view, type directly below the page title.

Administrator view of page-level settings

Section Level 

There are two ways to add instructions to break the form into sections:

1. Paragraph Field - A block of text that can be formatted with things like bullets, styling, etc.

2. Section - Overall instructions can be added to a group of questions placed within a section.

1. Paragraph Field

To add a block of instructional text, add the Paragraph question to the form. Then click Settings.

Admin view of new paragraph question

In the Paragraph text section, use the rich text editor to type in any instructions.

Admin view of expanded settings configuration panel

Applicant View

Applicant view of finished instructions

2. Section Field

  • From any toolbar, select Section and then drag and drop to the desired location. (Left side toolbar is shown below).
  • Click Add Question to begin adding questions to the section.
  • Click Settings to customize the section, add logic, or adjust the layout.

Administrator view of adding a section

In Settings>General, give the section a title (A) and instructions (B) to provide more context for applicants.Admin view of section configuration panel

Applicant View

The section is outlined in red below. Notice the slight separation (grey areas) between the sections above and below.

Applicant view of section, outlined in red

Question Level

  • Type directly where it says "Enter field description" to add instructions. If nothing is entered here, the applicant will not see any text below the field.
  • Click the Settings icon to open all question-level options.

Admin view of question with settings icon outlined in red

In the expanded configuration panel, administrators can modify:

A. Instructions - Appear below the field name

B. Text field placeholder - Appear within the field or area

  • This does not appear for all question types.
  • Text field example is shown.

Admin view of expanded settings panel

Applicant View

Applicant view of question with instructions

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