Administrators can choose to organize questions side by side, saving visual space and making the form clearer for applicants.
Administrator View
1. Create all questions that should be shown on the same line. We recommend putting no more than 3 on the same line. Examples may include:
- Address: City, State, Zip Code (shown below)
- Names: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name
- Ranked Options: First Choice, Second Choice, Third Choice
2. Click the six dots near the top of the the second question, i.e., the one you want to put on the same line as the first.
3. Simply drag the field up and drop it next to the first.
- Alternatively, on the field, you can click Settings > Layout and un-check the box next to Display the field on a new line. Then click anywhere on the left to get back to the main form creation page.
If needed, repeat step 3 for an additional question.
Applicant View
- Applicants will see the questions displayed on one line.
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