If an application has been returned to you so you can make changes, you will receive an email with specific instructions on what to change. This message will come from the administrator of the opportunity, who may or may not have been the one that actually reviewed your application and provided the comments in the email. If you have any questions, you can reply to it to ask for clarification.
Note: You should make every effort to resubmit by the deadline listed in the email. However, the system will technically allow you to re-submit after the deadline.
- To access your application, log in to InfoReady and go to your Applications tab.
- The application will have a status of Returned for Revisions (see below).
- In the first column, click the title of your application to make changes, and then submit when your changes are complete.
- You will not receive a second confirmation email when you re-submit, but a message onscreen will confirm your changes, and the application status will show as Accepted.
Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.