When configuring a Return for Revisions step, administrators can choose to automatically return application to applicants if not reviewed by the deadline.

Administrator view of Step Options area with "Automatically return applications to applicants if not reviewd by the deadline" box checked.

Here's how it works:

  • If this option is turned on, the system checks if the review deadline given during the assignment process has passed for each application.
  • InfoReady checks for any overdue assignments once per hour, on the hour. 
    • For example, if your review deadline was 11:59pm (most common), the applications would be returned at 12:00am (midnight). 
    • If it was at 2:30pm, the applications would be returned at 3:00pm.
  • The applicants will receive the message from the "Application Returned for Revisions" email template. (The default message for that template is shown below).
    • If you plan to use the auto-return feature, you may want to edit the email template to clarify why the application was returned, since no specific feedback will be in the message from the reviewer.
  • To the applicant, the email shows as coming from the competition owner, rather than the reviewer.
  • As soon as the application is returned:
    • its status will update on the Data Grid as Returned for Revisions and 
    • a timestamped entry is added to the Activity Log for the application with "InfoReady Support" as the "submitting" reviewer.

Note: If a reviewer drafts and saves a message as part of their review but then the review deadine passes, their specific message content will be lost and NOT included in the email to the appicant. The applicant will instead receive the content from the "Application Returned for Revisions" email template.

Admin view of application returned for revisions email template

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