The Calendar tab shows key dates for competitions and opportunities, even to non-logged in users. It has both a Calendar View and a List View. Administrators also have the option to add a standalone event to the calendar.

Calendar View

  • A - Five different dates/deadlines appear on the calendar, each with a different color.
  • B - Clicking any entry takes the user to the Details page for that opportunity.
  • C - The default is to look a month at a time, but users can switch to week or day views.

User view of Calendar

List View

  • D - Search for a specific competition or event by keyword.
  • E - The default sort is by Internal Submission Deadline (i.e., due date)
  • F - Clicking any title takes the user to the Details page for that opportunity.
  • G - Filter by category.

List view of calendar

Add An Event (Administrators Only)

        1. Give the event a name.

        2. Select a start date and time.

        3. Select an end date and time.

        4. Add a description, using the text editing tools as need to insert lists, links, etc.

        5. Click Add Event to add it to the sitewide calendar.

Note: Users must be logged in to view event details.

Administrator view of adding an event.

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