Note: This ability is currently restricted to InfoReady Admins only.
Creating custom carousels allows you to visually categorize cards for easier browsing.
1. As a logged in InfoReady Admin, click the Edit Homepage toggle at the top of the homepage so it shows as green.
2. Click Manage Carousels.
3. Select Create.
4. Fill in each required field to create the carousel.
- A. Name - The title of the carousel
- B. Visibility - Public (all users can see) or Private (only admins can see)
- C. Card Order- Pick from 6 choices
- Alphabetical by Card Title (Ascending)
- Alphabetical by Card Title (Descending)
- Card Created Date (Ascending) - Choose if you want older cards to show first.
- Card Created Date (Descending) - Choose if you want newly created cards to show first.
- Card Last Modified Date (Ascending) - Choose if you any card you edit to go to the end of the carousel.
- Card Last Modified Date (Descending) - Choose this if you want any card you edit to show at the front of the carousel.
- D. Carousel Order - Carousels will be sorteds starting with the lowest values at the top.
- E. View All Enabled - If this box is checked, even users who are not logged in can see the carousel. (If left unchecked, users will need to log in to see the carousel).
- F. Description - Shows when the View all option on the carousel is selected to give more information about its contents.
5. Click Create.
Note: The carousel will not display to all users until cards are associated with it. InfoReady Admins can view the carousel at any time by clicking the Edit Homepage toggle on.
Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.