If you have been added to a progress report as a delegate, you will first get an email message like the one shown below:

Sample email to delegate

Logging In

Your next steps will depend on if you already have an InfoReady account on the site mentioned or not, as well as if you are an internal or external user.

Any Internal User

  • Click the View button in the email, which should take you to the InfoReady login screen.
  • Log in using the blue button.
  • Go to the Progress Reports tab at the top of the screen to view the report.

External User - New Account

  • In addition to the email that you received about the progress report itself, you should get a second email from InfoReady with subject line: Your new InfoReady Review account
  • Open that email and follow the insturctions to activate your account and set a password.
  • Log in to the site and then go to the Progress Reports tab at the top of the screen to view the report.

External User - Existing Account

  • Click the View button in the email, which should take you to the InfoReady login screen.
  • Log in using the Login for Other Users section. If you don't remember your password, click Forgot your password?
  • Go to the Progress Reports tab at the top of the screen to view the report.

Accessing and Completing the Report

Once you are logged in, you should be re-directed directly to the specific progress report page.

Scroll down to view the specific report, and fill in the appropriate information.

  • If file uploads are requested, click Select File to choose a file from your computer.
  • When you are finished, you may be able to click Preview to check your responses.
  • If allowed, click the Submit button to complete the report.
  • If you do not see a Submit button, click Save as Draft in the lower left corner. 
  • You can also click Save as Draft at any point if you'd like to return to work on the report later.
Note: Whether you can fully submit the report or only save as draft is determined by the 
administrator and/or initial awardee. Reach out to them directly if you have questions.

Delgate view of progress report

Delegate view of progress report

Delegate view of Submit button

Note: Even if the progress report due date has passed, you will be able to submit the report.

Returning to a Saved Draft Report

You can also access the report at any time from your Progress Reports tab. Click the report title to access the report.

Delegate view of progress reports tab

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.