If you have been asked to contribute to a post-award report (called "progress report" in the platform), you will get an email like the one shown below with a direct link to the report. You must be logged in to view the progress report(s).

  • If you have an existing InfoReady account log in as you normally do.
  • If you have not logged in before, look for an activation email with subject line: Your new InfoReady Review account. If you are external to the organization, you will need to set a password before you can log in.

Notification to delegate sample

Once you are logged in, you should be redirected directly to the progress report as shown below. Your specific report may look different, depending on what questions are asked.

  • If file uploads are requested, click Select File to choose a file from your computer.
  • At the bottom left corner of the page, you can click Save as Draft if you need to return to the report later.
  • When you are finished, you may be able to click Preview to check your responses.
  • From there, you will either be able to click the Submit button or Save as Draft (if you don't see Submit). 

Delegate view of progress report

File upload section example, with Submit Report outlined in red

If you need to return to the progress report at any point in the future, you can access it via the Progress Reports tab.

Awardee view of Progress Reports tab

Note: Even if the progress report due date has passed, you will be able to access and the report.

Have more questions about this topic? Go to the Community Forum to pose the question to other users or submit a support ticket to InfoReady.