The InfoReady Messages tab allows administrators to see key information about the notifications they send and receive. But what if you'd prefer all messages were searchable within a single inbox? InfoReady allows one email address to be added as a blind carbon copy to all messages. 

Important Notes

  • Only top-level administrators (i.e., Super or Global if you use microsites) can request this feature be enabled on an InfoReady site.
  • It is a tenantwide configuration. It cannot be turned on or off for certain competitions.
  • If enabled, you can choose if the email address is copied on all Review Digest emails or not.
  • To enable requires our Development Team to setup.

Best Practice

Is to use a shared mailbox that multiple people will access within your institution and not use a single person's email address for this feature.  This way you can control the permissions to that shared mailbox. 


Submit a support ticket to request the feature. Make sure to include the email address you would like bcc'd.