With the Engage Homepage, you may want to allow any administrator to create an opportunity but restrict creating cards to specific administrators.
When enabled, this option allows card creation to be separate from competition creation such that:
- Top-level administrators (Global Admins on microsite tenants, Super Admins on non-microsite tenants) are the only ones that can edit card creation permissions.
- Top-level administrators (Global Admins on microsite tenants, Super Admins on non-microsite tenants) will always be able to create cards (permission cannot be removed).
- Regular Admins and Super Admins on microsite tenants can have card creation permissions turned on or off (default is off):
- If Off: They will not be able to select their competition or bulletin board card to show on the homepage, nor write a Homepage Description for the card.
- If On (see below): The administrator can choose to show the card or not, as well as write a Homepage Description and select filters and carousels.
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