Any user with access to the Manage Users page will see a chart at the top of the page with high-level data:

Admin view of Manage Users Overview chart

A - Current number of active administrators broken down by type. Learn more.

B - Number of new administrators (any type) added in the last 30 days

C - Number of times anyone with an admin role has logged in within the last 30 days.

  • Any login by the same admin is only counted once.
  • For example, if one admin logs in 5 separate times over 3 days within the 30-day period, only 1 is included in this count.

D - Current number of active users that do not have an admin role.

  • Reviewers may also be Applicants. Only the highest level role is counted.
  • For example, if a user has submitted applications but also is a committee member, they are counted as a Reviewer, not Applicant, in this chart.
  • Reference letter writers who have never logged in are not included in this count.

E - Number of new non-admin users added in the last 30 days.

F - Total users logins (any user type) in the last 30 days.

  • Each login is counted separately.
  • For example, if the same user logs in three different times, that counts as 3 in this count.

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