If a template has been shared with you by another administrator, you will see it when you go to Create and select Shared Templates > name of template:

Admin view of selecting a shared template

To make this shared template into a sitewide template:

  • Start creating the competition from the shared template. 
  • Page through the configuration steps. You can skip the required fields on the Details page, but you will have to choose a radio button on the Progress Reports page of a Form Designer competition.
  • On the Finalize page, save your template. It is a good idea to give it a slightly different name than the one that was shared with you, to differentiate between the two. Click Finish to save the template.
  • Then you can then save the draft by clicking Finish again , although it will already be saved even if you don’t click Finish.

Admin view of Finalize page, saving a new template

Going forward, the template you just saved will then appear in:

  • Admin > Configure Platform
  • Create > My Templates (because you saved it)
  • Create > Sitewide Templates (because you are an admin on the site and you created it)

Note: The new template you saved will NOT appear in Shared Templates. That is where the original template shared with you is listed.

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