The Activity Log can help administrators track which actions have been taken over time. To access, click the Manage tab and then the name of the opportunity.
On the right side, select the Activity Log button:
Here are some tips for utilizing this log:
- The default view shows activity from all users, but you can select Administrator, Applicants, or Reviewers to filter the list.
- Each entry begins with the user that took the action (and their initials appear in the icon to the left), followed by a short description.
- Note: If you used Applicant-Driven or Department-Driven routing steps, the user will be listed as the owner, even though the actions are taken automatically by the system.
- A time stamp appears below the description.
- Linked text can help quickly navigate to the area:
- User names are linked to users' profiles (both applicants and reviewers).
- Application titles are linked to the application.
For more information on viewing the Activity Log for an individual application, view this article.
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