Administrators can send an email message to selected applicants from InfoReady at any point using the steps below. This batch action is helpful in a variety of scenarios:
- Reminding applicants who have started drafts that a deadline is approaching
- To ask an applicant for updated information or documents, or clarification on a part of their application
- Sharing basic review process updates (e.g., Made it to the next round, decision date changed)
- Sending a batch reminder to those with overdue progress reports
- ...and more!
Notes - Send up to 200 messages at a time. - The sender is the InfoReady administrator who is taking the action, NOT the competition owner. - If a user replies to the message, their reply will go to the email address associated with the sender's InfoReady admin account. - If an applicant chose to add others to be notified about their application, those individuals will also receive the message. - The action exists on all tabs of the Data Grid. If you select the same application on multiple rows (e.g., in Review or Post Award tabs), only one message is sent to the applicant. - The sent message is tracked in the Messages tab of the administrator who sent the message only.
Steps to Batch Email Applicants
1. From any tab of the Data Grid, check the box next to each applicant you want to send a message to.
- Applications in any status may be selected.
- If applicants are allowed to submit multiple applications, they will receive a separate message for each application that is selected.

2. In the Batch Actions dropdown, select Email Applicants.
3. Compose your message:
- A - Verify the number of intended recipients.
- B - Cc/Bcc others on this message (optional)
- C - Insert mail merge tags into the body of the message to pull the information directly from the competition and application.
- {admin name} is the name of the administrator sending the message, not the owner of the competition.
- D - Subject line of the email
- You can type the mail merge tags exactly as shown, and they will function correctly. However, you can only use the Insert link to place the mail merge field in the message body.
- E - Body of the email message. Use the styling elements in the text editor as needed. Learn more.
4. Click the Send button in the lower right corner of the modal to send the message.

5. An Email Sent modal will display on the screen confirming the messages were sent. Click OK to return to the Data Grid.
- If you choose to send a large number of messages (50 or more), you may see a spinning wheel on the screen while the messages are sending.

If for some reason your message is not able to be sent, you will see the information below onscreen:
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