Most users are added to the platform automatically as:
- an Applicant by starting an application or
- a Reviewer by being assigned reviews.
However, any Super Administrator (or Global Administrator when microsites are enabled) can also add a user with any role (Applicant, Reviewer, or Administrator) to the platform manually:
1. Click Admin tab.
2. Click Manage Users button on the right side of the screen.
3. Click Add User button (also on the right side of the screen).
4. Fill out the profile. There are 4 required fields: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and User Role.
5. Click Save.
The user will receive an email that their account has been created for them. There is not a way to prevent this email from sending. The message will vary based on whether they're an internal (SSO) or external user.
- Internal - They will be told to log in using their institutional credentials.
- External - They will be told to activate their account by setting a password. Learn more.

Note: The easiest way to add a new administrator if you use Single Sign-On (SSO) is to have them log in first and then edit their role to Administrator.
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