From the Manage view of your opportunity, scroll down to the Data Grid:

Admin view of Data Grid

A. Sort - Click the up and down arrow icons. 

  • Arrows correspond to the field on the left. So in the example above, "Title" is the field that would sort.
  • Text sorts alphabetically (A-Z or Z-A) and numbers sort in numerical order (Low to High or High to Low).

B. Filter - Click the dropdown to select option(s), then click outside the field or simply hit Enter.

C. Search - Type in any content, then click the magnifying glass or simply hit Enter.

  • The platform will save any Data Grid configurations, even after navigating into a single application and back to the grid.
  • The configurations are also saved per login session. Administrators can navigate throughout the site during a single session and always return to the most recently selected configurations on the Data Grid for a specific opportunity.
  • If they log out or the session times out, the view options will reset to the default saved view for each tab.
  • For information about customizing your grid view, see this article.

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