If the Primary Organization feature is enabled, Administrators can sort and filter the Data Grid by any entries in the list. This allows administrators to arrange the grid by college, school, or department (however the organization hierarchy is set up).
1. In the Primary Organization column dropdown, select Filter Organizations.
2. Your institution's organization list will display. Choose the entries by which you'd like to filter.
- In the example below, the "College of Engineering box is checked, which auto-selects all the departments underneath that college.
- Once all entries are selected, click the Apply Filter(s) button.
3. The grid will sort based on the selected entries.
- To review how many are selected, click the dropdown again.
- In the example below, the annotation "3 selected" refers to the four areas chosen: College of Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
- To re-select different entries, click Filter Organizations again.
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