Is a reference letter writer having trouble finding the initial reference letter request email? Administrators can share the unique, direct link to the reference letter upload page for the individual letter writer.

1. From the Manage tab, click the title of the opportunity.

2. Click on the application title.

3. Click Edit on the right side.

4. Scroll down to the Reference Letters section, and find the letter writer's email address.

5. Click the Share Link button next to that letter writer's email address.

6. Click the Copy button to copy the unique, direct link. You will know it is copied when a green Copied to clipboard message appears below the Copy button.

7. Paste the link in an email to the reference letter writer. Depending on your email client, they will either be able to click on the link directly, or can always paste the full link in their URL bar to access the correct letter submission page.

Admin view of reference letter section of an application. "Share Link" button highlighted by red outlined box.

Pop-up modal: Copy Link to Share with Letter Writer: Reference letter submission unique link for Jane Doe. Copy button is outlined in red.

As a reminder, Administrators can always upload a letter by proxy for a letter writer. Click here for more information about the reference letter process.

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