Does an applicant need to update or change the email address of a reference letter writer? 

At any time, an administrator can update the email address on behalf of the applicant by following these steps:

1. From the Manage tab, click the title of the opportunity.

2. Click on the application title.

3. Click Edit on the right side.

4. Scroll down to the Reference Letters section, and find the letter writer's email address.

5. Delete the incorrect email address and replace with the new one (#1 below).

6. Click the Update Email Address button to send an email to the new letter writer (#2 below).

7. You'll know the change was made correctly if when the Update Email Address button is inactive (bottom image).

8. Click Save Edits on the right side of the page.


  • If the deadline has not passed, you can also return the application to the applicant to make the change and re-submit.
  • If your site has the Directory Look Up feature, you will not see the Update Email Address button become active. Instead, click Save Edits (#8 above) to update the email address and send a notification to the new letter writer's email address.

Admin view of an application with reference letter email addresses completed. Red circles with white numbers correspond to instructions above (#5 and #6).

Once email address is updated, the "Update Email Address" button becomes inactive.

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