After filling out the descriptive details in Step 1, you will build the tile itself: 

1. Image - Will be re-sized after upload, but 325 x 170 pixels is ideal size.

2. Image Alt Text - Provide a description of the image available to screen readers.

3. Title - 80 character limit

4. Short Description - 140 character limit

5. Custom Fields - Highlight up to three important fields. Keep these the same across similar tiles for consistency.

6. Date Range - 3 options

  • Select only a date in the past to have the tile displayed immediately after launching and left posted from then on.
  • Select a specific date range for the tile to show.
  • Select only a future date to have tile posted on that day, and left posted from then on.

7. Apply - Re-name this field as needed (e.g., RSVP, Nominate, etc.), and add an external url.

8. Learn More - Check the 'Use URL?' box to include an external link for information. If un-checked, you'll use the system's content builder on the next screen to create this page.

9. Search Configuration - Mark the check boxes next to the relevant search filters for the opportunity.

10. Keywords - Include any potential search items that aren't included in the search filters list above.

Build a tile page, with white numbers in red circles, corresponding to the instructions above. (1-5)

Build a tile page, with white numbers in red circles, corresponding to the instructions above. (6-10)

Build a tile page, with white number in red circle, corresponding to the instructions above. (10)

As information is entered, a preview of the tile appears on the right:

A sample tile. Row of multicolored pencils is image. Title: An Opportunity for Anyone. Description: This opportunity is available for anyone interested. If you want to learn more, we want you there!

Note: Mark as Favorite will always be an option for logged in users. Learn More and Apply will appear or disappear, based on the actions take in steps 7 and 8 above.

If the Learn More boxes are both not checked, you will design the Learn More content on the next page. View this article for a detailed walkthrough of this section.