The full application or competition cannot be built ahead of time, but since all of the information from the Letter of Intent (LOI) transfers over during the conversion process, there are some things you can do within the LOI to make launching the converted one quicker and easier when the time comes:
Requirements - Form Designer Template
- Build all questions you'll need for both LOI and full application.
- For the ones not needed in the LOI, make them optional and hide them from applicants. (A below)
- If you send your LOI through a review process, also hide the field from reviewers (B below).
- After converting, uncheck the "Hide from applicants" box on the relevant questions as needed to have them show during the full application phase.
Requirements - Funding Opportunity Template
- In the top section , build all questions you'll need for both LOI and full application.
- For the ones only needed for the full, mark as "Exc" for excluded during the LOI phase:
- After converting, just switch the boxes to "Req" (required) or "Opt" (optional) as needed to have them show to applicants during the full application phase:
- If you will use a review process for the LOI phase, build your LOI routing steps first, then your full phase routing steps.
- You will only use the first routing step(s) for the LOI phase.
- Then after converting, you'll delete these steps, leaving only the full phase routing steps.
- If you will NOT use a review process for the LOI phase, just build your full phase review steps, but you won't use them during the LOI.
- This is not essential, but you can edit email templates in the LOI that pertain to the full phase, such as award and reject email templates.
- For a full description of each email template, view this article.
- Also not required, but if you already know progress reports that you'll need for the second phase, you can build them in the LOI to save time. You can also add them later if needed.
- Regardless of when they're built, progress reports can only be assigned in the second phase (i.e., after converting to a competition and then awarding, or awarding directly from the LOI).
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