If an administrator needs to access a returned application to make edits or submit, they need to use the Submit by Proxy button and select the applicant's email address from the dropdown field:
1. Click the Submit by Proxy button along the right side of the page.
2. Start typing in the applicant's email address in Enter Email Address or Name field.
- Do not copy and paste the email address from another source.
- Do not use autofill.
- THIS IS KEY: This enables the system to link the application to the user's (applicant's) profile. If you do not choose their email address from the drop-down, the system will not allow you to submit the application (even if all of the fields are filled out).
- If email address does not populate in the drop-down, a Super Administrator will need to add the user in the platform. The user does not need to confirm their email address; they will just need to be in the site.
4. Edit the application as needed.
5. Click Save as Draft or Submit Application at the bottom of the page.
More information about this process: - The instructions above should be used whether an application was initially returned by an administrator, or was returned for revisions within the review process. - When you return an application to an applicant, it exists in two states: 1) the state it was when you returned it, and 2) the current state based on the applicant's changes since you returned it. - This is why you will sometimes see the application twice in the Data Grid (see below). - This is also why an administrator can't edit the draft like they would edit other drafts. The applicant may be editing their version.
- When an application is returned, a row appears in the grid with the status "Returned" or "Returned for Revisions".
- If the applicant opens the returned application, and makes some changes, but saves that draft before resubmitting, the content of that draft will be somewhat different from the original returned application. So it will appear as a draft in the Data Grid.
- When the applicant submits the saved draft, only one application will appear in the grid.
Here's a screenshot of a scenario where the administrator returned an application, and the applicant changed the title and then saved the draft, but didn't resubmit it yet:

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