Including an acknowledgment statement (or list of statements) is a great option to use if you ever need acceptance for conflict of interest statement, attestation of requirements, or any other similar affirmation. With the Form Designer template, using either the Checkboxes or True/False question types is the best place to start.

Checkboxes: Administrator Configuration

1. Add a checkboxes question.

2. Give it a label - This should be the overall "heading" for the section.

3. Add instructions (i.e., language) below the label.

4. Add text that applicant will confirm.

  • e.g., "I agree", "I confirm", etc.
  • Remove additional items (i.e., choices) so only one box remains.

5. Click the asterisk to make the question required.

Admin view of example acknowledgment statement

Checkboxes: Applicant View

Applicant view of acknowledgment

Checkboxes: Multiple Acknowledgments

  • Do you need documentation that applicants agree to multiple, separate statements?
  • Fill in additional check box labels (as in Step 4 above) to create a list.

Administrator view of multiple acknowledgement statements

True/False: Administrator Configuration

  • Another approach is to add multiple True/False (i.e., Yes/No) questions to capture separate acknowledgments.
  • In the example shown below, the admin created an Acknowledgements section and then added 3 True/False questions (only 2 of the 3 are shown).

Admin view of multiple configured acknowledgement statements

True/False: Applicant View

Applicant view of acknowledgement statements

Tip: You can also add in more stylized text for your acknowledgment statement(s) by utilizing the Paragraph field.

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